Coral Reef
This piece was commissioned by a guy who lives on a boat. It took several months to complete. I made so many different types of fish, being a diver, I have a personal interest. After I’d made an entire population of fish, and different types of coral for them to be paired with, it took several days to figure out how to assemble the piece. We were both very pleased with the way it came out…
Om Decanter
A patron commissioned me to make a decanter in the shape of the letter ‘Om’. Quite a challenge. I needed to make it fully functional, while not obscuring the original lines, and the spaces between the elements of the character.
Blue Phoenix
I make a sculpture every year for an artist who shows and sells her work at one of the same festivals that I do. The pieces that I make are specifically based on artwork that she has previously created. She created this image for me to work from, to execute in glass.
Bigfoot Winery
A regular collector for whom I’ve made many pieces over the years came to me with a challenge. He’d recently purchased a winery called Bigfoot Wines. He wanted to see if I could make a piece that commemorated the event.

Jewish Wedding Glass
One of the traditions at a Jewish wedding is that immediately after the ceremony, the groom puts a glass in a handkerchief and stomps it into pieces. This glass was created for just that purpose. The couple informed me that they intended to display the fragments along with a photograph of the glass in its intact state, in their home.

Three Ferrets Playing With a Vanilla Ice Cream Sundae with a Cherry on Top
self explanatory, obviously! This was a case where the customer had a very specific idea as to what she wanted – my only artistic contribution was the cherry on top of the sundae – it just needed it…

Teacher and Student on a Log
One collector explained to me that in the teaching community there is a saying that the ideal classroom is just one teacher and one student sitting on both ends of a log. My brief was to execute that idea in glass.
Wise Woman
When the customer originally asked me about making a witch, I asked more questions to determine what she was after. I am not interested in representing certain kinds of magic. What she was after was much more in the vein of the traditional ‘wise woman’ of the community, one who knows herbal lore and cures as well as spells. I very much enjoyed this project. There were quite a few specific requests: blue dress; broom that looked like fire at the bristle end; peacock feathers; a tall witches’ hat. I added the cat licking up the spilled potion and the grimoire in her hand. This was my first venture into using non-glass elements in a project – the wooden workbench, and I was able to find just the right size and shape for my purpose. I have since put in a wood shop and am able to custom make whatever props I need to tell the story at hand.
Dragon and Tiger
I forget which one of the couple was the dragon, and which the tiger. They asked for a specific color family for the dragon, and voila!

Poodle Ascending Into Heaven on a Cloud of Pink Tennis Balls
you don’t see that every day, do you? The gentleman’s mother’s white toy poodle was in hospice and didn’t have a lot of time left on this Earthly plane. The dog’s favorite toy was a pink tennis ball – the idea simply suggested itself to me.
Glass Knife With Ear of Corn Handle
A young man has been collecting my glass knives for a number of years. The summer that I did this, he was working on a corn farm to help with his college expenses, and his family member commissioned me to create something that would have specific meaning for him.